Wednesday 20 June 2012

Meeting of June 19, 2012

The last regular meeting of the Rotary Year was called to order at 12:15 pm with President Joan (above) welcoming all with her comment of the day: Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold. She reminded us that this is the final meeting of the Rotary year.

The National Anthem was sung and Mary Canty said Grace. After lunch, Batya Westler introduced the guests: Cheryl Jones and Lita Rolofs.

Health of the Club: Mary Canty:  George Pritchard has just had surgery and is recovering well; he's hoping to be back at Rotary soon.  David Philip continues to have setbacks but his spirit is good.

Announcements: Please let Leslie know if you have any makeups.

Heather announced the circulation of a sign-up list for the Installation Dinner next Tuesday, June 26th. The tables are divided into “activities” which appear on the sign-up sheet. Cocktails at 6 pm, dinner at 7. There is parking below the Hotel Grand Pacific. The cost of the dinner and evening is $46 which can be paid at the door.  The dinner will be buffet style.

Joan Firkins congratulated the membership for a successful Tuscan Night from which the profit was $20,500. With some new format changes and sponsorships, the profits were increased.

Tav reminded all that this weekend is the District 5020 Conference and that space is still available to attend.

Fines master: Jessica Van der Veen.  Everyone had to dig deep today as Jessica was out to surpass all former “masters” of the sacred fine. Of note was the praise bestowed by the Saanich Club on Tav’s performance as Assistant District 5020 Governor.  Jack was in good tune to remind us all of the upcoming Victoria Jazz Festival of which he has been a tireless organizer. Great entertainment will fill the weekend of July 30th in many venues. Lori was thrilled to announce that she was off for the weekend with 12 girlfriends to a secret hideaway where they have planned a retreat to meditate and fast in silence. [Editor's note: it's somewhere in the Shawingan Lake area, but you won't be welcome!]  Hans won the draw but alas drew a black sphere.

Neil Madsen introduced our speakers: Vancouver Island Kidney Patients' Association (VIKPA) representatives, Cheryl Jones and Lita Rolofs.

Today’s presentation focused on the issue of dialysis and the growing number of people suffering with kidney disease and malfunction.  The first newsletter of this very active Kidney Association dates back to 1973 and now there are 2,400 people on Vancouver Island assisted in some way through the association.  Those who are on regular dialysis must be on a machine 3 times per week for 5 hours at a time.  This routine takes a great toll on the entire family with time and income lost.  The association therefore supports not only the patients but their families as well, providing compassionate gift baskets at both Easter and Christmas to more than 200 families.  There are 1,300 patients in kidney care awaiting dialysis here on the island and in Victoria alone there are more than 300 transplant patients. At the Royal Jubilee there are 3 shifts for the dialysis machines daily to fulfill the need. The dialysis machines duplicate the function of the kidney to regulate the sodium levels, balance various hormones and to cleanse the urine. Kidney failure is common with diabetes, as is high blood pressure. Once the kidneys shut down there is little likelihood of recovery so we must reduce stress, exercise regularly, eliminate smoking, consume less salt, sugar and alcohol and maintain a low blood pressure. Dialysis machines cost $60,000. There is a government program to provide one to qualified patients for home use.  The cost of a transplant is $23,000 and there is currently a 10-year wait.

Jerry McLean thanked Lita and Cheryl (above).

President Joan expressed deep appreciation to the membership on the exemplary achievements of the club this past year. She distributed the theme ‘headpieces’ onto each table with an appropriate comment. She ended by removing the one she was wearing to close the year. Thanks for a dedicated, successful year as President of Oak Bay Rotary, Joan.

Reporter: John Snively

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