Wednesday 6 June 2012

Meeting June 5, 2012 at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre - CAITLIN MANGIACASALE

Peter and Jane get stuck into it!
It was Tea Party week here in Oak Bay, and members were out in force to help raise Club funds. Check out our chat blog to see more photos by Ron and Tricia.
Here's yesterday's meeting report by Eugen:
There was quite a buzz of chatter and laughter in the room, before PRESIDENT JOAN PEGGS called the meeting to order. She announced the theme for June was “Rotary Awareness,” and we were off to sing, O Canada, hear the invocation by JOHN EDGELL, and cue up at the table (visitors and guests at the head of the line) for a tasty chicken casserole dish and salad.

After lunch PERRY BAMJI introduced visiting Rotarians and Guests: Peter Sou from the Sidney Club, Judy Byron, Incoming District 5020 Governor, also from the Sidney Club, and Hugh Robertson, Incoming Assistant Governor, from the West Shore Club. There were 7 guests: Colleen Sullivan, hosted by Tom Croft, Clive Reiss, hosted by Hans Ockermueller, Wendy Townsend, hosted by Anne Sims, Jo Bedford, hosted by her husband, Mark Bedford, John Playfair, hosted by Peter Sou, and Sabrina Corraini and Caitlin Mangiacasale, of the Oak Bay High School Interact Club.

TAV MACPHERSON (left with President Joan) presented our Club with banners from India given to him by Rotarians visiting from India, and JOAN FIRKINS presented a banner to our club from Nairobi.

TAV announced he has 24 days left as Assistant Governor, and that it has been “one of the most delightful experiences of my life.” He introduced his successor, HUGH ROBERTSON, who told us how thrilled he was to see so many new members joining the Oak Bay Rotary Club.

NEIL RAWNSLEY (below) awarded pins to the following Paul Harris Fellows: Don O’Coffey, PHF#1, Ron Beyer, PHF#2, Tricia Timmermans, PHF#3, Tav Macpherson, PHF#8. Also awarded were Paul Harris Certificates, to John Jordan for his volunteer work in Rwanda, and to Jo Bedford, for her work in India. All in all, an impressive number of contributors to the Rotary Foundation from our club.
John, Tav, Ron, Tricia, Don, Jo, and Neil
Wendy Townsend
Peter Sou
 Two new members were inducted into the Oak Bay Rotary Club by PRESIDENT JOAN. WENDY TOWNSEND, sponsored by Anne Sims, and who has been appointed to the New Generations Committee; and PETER SOU, a former member of the Sidney Club, who has joined the Membership Committee.

The Installation Dinner for the 2012-2013 Executive will be at the Grand Pacific Hotel on Tuesday June 26;  cost will be $46.00. Tom Croft displayed the new Oak Bay Community Map which you can purchase for $5.00. Perry Bamji handed a cheque of $2,500 to our treasurer, Brian Lamb, the grant portion of funds raised for the Atsikana Pa Ulendo Girls' School in Malawi. Perry also handed out paper rolls to wrap our pennies for the “Pennies To Heaven – The Last Journey” project.

Tom Croft with Oak Bay Community Map with incoming AG, Hugh Robertson

JACK PETRIE found time to collect fines from many good people, but ran out of time for happy and sad dollars. If you heard a squeal of surprise, it was because Joan Peggs won the 50/50 draw.
Our speaker was the enthusiastic CAITLIN MANGIACASALE (left with Prez Joan), President of the Oak Bay High School Interact Club, who had been sponsored by our Club to attend the Adventures in Citizenship conference in Ottawa. She showed slides of the many places, people, and buildings she visited and met in Ottawa, and thanked our club for allowing her to go on the trip of a lifetime. “It was an amazing thing to see what an impact it has on others to be a Canadian citizen.”   LORI MCLEOD thanked Caitlin, and after “God Save The Queen” and the bell, the meeting was over for another week.


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