Wednesday 13 June 2012

June 12 Bulletin

O Canada starts us off with ol’ Tommy L. on the keyboard and invocation by Heather, we’re dispersed to the condiment table then out to the blustery but sunny deck for barbecued burgers. Lynne Murray introduces our guests Kate Moore and (speaker) Paul Destrooper as well as visiting Rotarians Dennis Pare from Victoria Rotary Club and Walter Moore, one of our ‘regulars’, from Berri, Australia. Mary Canty reported that she’s been unable to reach David Philip to check on him and also that our club-mate George Pritchard is in for surgery this Thursday - Prez Joan reminded us to send our positive thoughts his way. All the best George...See you soon!

John Jordan spoke of his recent Rwandan experience and the remarkable achievements involving almost 3,000 stoves made and distributed through stove centers. Fourteen permanent jobs were created and about 13,000 people now have smoke-free homes to share...and to be healthy in.

Heather reminded us of the Club Installation Dinner on Tuesday June 26th at the Grand Pacific; $46 per person.

Tav talked of the upcoming District Conference June 22/23rd. Request to think of attending and hearing so many good stories about Rotary, now and in the future.

Tom Croft thanked the club for support of his map initiative, Bowker Creek, and other stuff.

Jessica took her maiden voyage as fines master and she brought that sparkling wit and theatrical bent to her words, fining those deserving and not-so-deserving souls for misdemeanors. One fine: For men who have never worn a leotard. This scribe was okay as I wore one in a musical I performed in (Camelot). Others were not so fortunate and had to fork over a buck as tight as that must have made them feel. Johnny Snively was praised for his haircut but it cost him. And so on...
Mary Canty won the 50/50. Good job Jessica!

Our Speaker was Paul Destrooper of Ballet Victoria who entertained and informed us through a charming presentation of the challenges and successes of his organization of which he is not only a principal dancer but also the director. Ballet Victoria has gone from a budget of $100,000 to one of over $600,000 in the past 7 years. They are invited to perform all over the world. Paul told a few hilarious stories of he and his crew performing in desolate spots such as Clayquot after boarding fishing boats over high seas. He was modest, funny...and gracious, and also proud of the achievements he’s been an important part of. He made you want to go the next ballet. I for one intend to.
David Sills, Paul Destrooper, Pablo Diemecke discussing ballet (and more) after the meeting
Pablo had introduced Paul, which is fitting as Pablo (performing the music) and Paul (the dance interpretations) have partnered in one of the Ballets. Tav very eloquently thanked Paul and we were out of there...into the blustery sunshine again, right on the dot at 1:30. Well done President Joan. It’s not easy keeping a meeting on track with so much to do and hear.


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