Monday 7 November 2016

Rotary Club of Oak Bay Meeting 1 November 2016 - Jean Dickson on creativity and innovation

Reporter: Mandy Pui

Meeting commenced at 12:10 pm at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre
Mistress of Ceremonies: Joan Firkins
Opened with the singing of “O Canada”

Greet and Intro by: Anne Sims
Guests: Sean Donnelly, guest of Lorna Curtis. Kris Zmudzinski from Prince George Downtown Rotary.

Rotary Moment from Tom Croft on why he supports the Rotary Foundation. 
"That’s what Rotarians do". 
Tom's 3 reasons: 1) it is his charity of choice. 2) Charity Navigator gives Rotary a 4 star or 97.87 approval rating. 3) The funds support Rotary doing good in the world. 
More reasons: The Rotary Foundation makes a big impact in local communities and internationally, such as promoting peace and eradicating polio, thus having a lasting impact. 50% of donations go back to our district.

Lorna: as membership chair, it’s our duty to promote about Rotary. She share a testimonial from Jack Petrie which will be in the newspaper. Here’s a snippet: “I’ve been a Rotarian for over 10 years and happened into it through the invitation of a friend. I was curious. Was it secretive, religious, or uber-corporate? I soon discovered it was none of that. It’s just nice people having fun together while making a difference in the world.”

Celebrations Master: Jim Force
RYLA on Vancouver Island this past weekend. 2 girls from Grade 10 at Oak Bay High school attended. 
Video shown of celebrate what’s right in the world. Celebrating what’s right gives us energy to fix what’s wrong. Instead of thinking of what you are best at, think about what you may be best for.
Fines were levied on 5 people who were wallflowers; women who did not sit at the table of men; and people who did not know that purple pinkie is when people get the polio vaccine

Dr. Jim Force has a collection of little known facts about our members. Who did the following:
Left Taiwan after being accused of being a "spy": Jean Dickson
Was an A&W car hop but "not with rollerskates": Lorna Curtis
Was a smoke jumper who fought forest fires: Ron Cooley 

Guest Speaker:
Jean Dickson was our guest speaker, based on her experience being a vocational speaker
She talked about techniques for more creativity and innovation.  She said that it is often said that people in business are not seen as wise and creative at the same time. But this is no necessarily the case.

Tried and true solutions, she said, are actually tried and tired solutions.
Einstein and Da Vinci’s approach with needles in haystack. Most people stop at the first needle. They would look for other needles.
It’s easier to go with a crazy idea and pare it down, instead of going with a conservative idea and inject some life into it.
Don’t focus on the first question. Instead of focusing on how to make more money, focus on why you want to make more money travel more -> why travel meet more people. Then focus on how to meet more people.

We had a brainstorming exercise on ways to motivate people in the work place.
Perry thanked Jean.

The meeting closed at 1:30pm.

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