Wednesday 8 June 2016

Rotary Club of Oak Bay Meeting 31 May, 2016 - Kim Scott – Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association

Reporter: Jenny Hildebrand

Jim Force welcomed us and opened the meeting with “O Canada” followed by a short video clip featuring Ruby Tang’s closing remarks at the Youth Services wind-up event at Windsor pavilion last Friday evening.. 

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:
 Kim Scott - Guest Speaker
Tracey Lemke – Friend of Kim Scott
Sarah Lett – Friend of Alyx G
Alyson Hawksnooma
Dr. John Snively – Nelson Rotary
Katie Coard – Downtown Victoria Rotary

Health of the club:  No news this week

  • Please note on June 14th we’ll be holding our lunch at the Neighbourhood Learning Centre (NLC) at the Oak Bay High School. The occasion is to provide our members a look at the NLC and particularly the Teen Room for which our club funded the fitting out of the room.  The suggested area for parking is at the north end of the OB Rec Centre parking lot. The High School is a short walk from there.
  • Janette encouraged us to purchase Thrifty’s smile cards which are like gift cards that can be loaded at the check out with your credit card. 5% of the money loaded into the card goes towards our Club and this year will go towards the installation of  new picnic tables at the Carnarvon Rotary Water Park on Henderson Road.
  • Jim announced the news that Lori has received a $25K grant for the Memory Café.

Celebrations Master:  Victoria Pitt
Ted Chambers and Renata Gibbs were fined for not responding to emails this week. Victoria tried to fine Anne McIntyre as well but was informed that Anne had in fact responded to her email in a timely manner!  Victoria quickly recanted and with her usual good humour agreed to pay the fine herself. 
Realtors and Investment advisors were fined as clearly they have pockets full of cash due to the recent boom in the housing market. Ron Cooley was fined for missing his absent wife too much!
In response to the following quote by Buddha “There isn’t enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle”, which was read by Ruby Tang at the Youth Services wind-up, Victoria fined all who haven’t had a lit candle on their table during the past week.

Happy and Sad Dollars:
Naida has been working diligently since January to bring a Lesotho midwifery student here for a visit.  The student’s plane is due to depart tomorrow but sadly she has so far been unable to secure a visa.
Jack Petrie purchased a Thrifty Smile Card under his alias “Irving?” giving Janette cause to laugh.
Tom L. enjoyed a few compliments this morning while parking his sporty BMW 1200 motorcycle!
Pablo has been invited to play in the Krasnoyarsk International Music Festival in Russia, as soloist with the festival orchestra, June 26, 2016!
Jack Petrie and his wife enjoyed a holiday last week in West Vancouver where they had a firsthand look at how dramatically neighbourhoods are being impacted as a result of the heated real estate market.  Jack and his wife encountered streets devoid of children, dog walkers and regular residents.  There was, however, an abundance of luxury cars, gardening service providers and private security firms actively managing the empty properties.

50/50: Penny had the winning ticket but did not draw the black marble.

Guest Speaker:  Kim Scott – Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association (VTRA)
Our guest speaker was Kim Scott from the Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association who gave us a heartwarming and inspiring presentation.  Kim shared how her involvement with the VTRA over the past 10 years has provided her with a wealth of life enriching training and support.  Through the VTRA programs Kim has developed a unique skill set and significant personal abilities which assist her in facing the challenges she encounters, as a person living with cerebral palsy.

As a child Kim did not excel in sports but loved animals and was “horse crazy”!  When she joined the VTRA she was still having trouble walking on her own and so her parents were reasonably quite worried.  Even so, they gave her the support she required and within one year Kim was able to ride independently and find great pleasure in a sport she could finally excel in.  Kim certainly has excelled and is now long listed for Canada’s Para-Equestrian Dressage team.  Kim also teaches gymnastics on horseback, mentors young riders and coaches!

Kim started public speaking when she was 13 years old as part of the United Way campaign trail and which she contributed to for 3 years.  She is a member of a Community Living Victoria youth team who give presentations at middle schools promoting disability awareness.

Kim shared her story of how horses have been her healers through her journey with cerebral palsy and the anxiety and depression she has faced.  She has turned her healing and passion into her career and now works to assist others overcome their own personal challenges.  Kim wants everyone to find the support they need to “reach for their dreams and goals”!

Kim received positive encouragement and feedback from the audience at the conclusion of her talk.

Kim thanked the audience, answered further questions and concluded by stating that she includes in her “support team” all those who give her a kind word, through to those who support her financially through corporate and personal donations.  She is hopeful that in the near future she will meet the required goals that will allow her to qualify for Sports BC Funding.

Naida thanked Kim for her inspiring and informative talk and encouraged her to keep up her great work.

Jim showed a short video clip of Ruby Tang accepting a Paul Harris Fellowship award for her work on many fronts including heading the Amnesty International Club, the Environmental Club and the Interact Club at Oak Bay High.  Ruby was delighted and overwhelmed and paid tribute to her fellow team members.  Ruby plans to continue her studies at the University of Toronto next year in the Peace and Conflict Resolution Department. 

Jim closed the meeting with high praise for the youth service clubs at Oak Bay High and encouraged us to continue to support the young people involved with both our funding and our time.  Jim believes these young people welcome and benefit from our presence in their lives and that they are seeking ethical and moral mentors in business and community life.


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