Thursday 24 July 2014

Rotary Club of Oak Bay – Meeting of July 22, 2014

Reported by Tom Lidkea.  Photos by Jack PetrieMaster of Ceremonies: That Weyburn paragon, Jim Laing.

Greeters:  Eugen Bannerman and Mary Canty.

The club sang both a karaoke version of O Canada, sadly without any live piano accompaniment.  Gordon Greenius (I think.  Non-Standard Lettering) handed out bottles of wine to the hardest working car raffle members, to wit Neil Rawnsley (not present), Brian Lamb, Steve Sharlow, and Joan Firkins.  Eugen said grace.

Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Introduced by Mary Canty. 
Visiting Rotarians:  
Bruce Willis, Laguna Beach, California.  
Gordon Greenius, (left) Victoria, Education.  
Margaret Tuhumwile, Entebbe, Uganda (at right).
Guests:  Jujin Bezilh (NSL), guest of Margaret Tu…etc., and ...
John Cassidy, our speaker, about whom more later.James Ramsbottom (below) from Brampton, Ontario, Patent Agent.  
Mary on the health of the club:  Will Carter was in a serious car accident and is in a full body cast.  Somebody whose name I missed has a swollen leg, and Jacqueline is greatly improved after her accident and hopes to attend next week’s meeting.
Perry announced the production of 1,000 brochures describing the good works of our club.  These brochures can be used by members for advertising or promotion of events.  Any members wishing to obtain some should contact B-B-Bob.
President Jim reminded us that our next meeting will be at Abkhazi gardens.

 Celebrations Master (Tav McPherson)
Tav levied a series of $1.00 fines for:  No tag AND no pin; anyone showing their knees; Jim Laing, for a terrible limbo joke; and Neil Madsen for a deplorable job of parking his Subaru (License Plate No. BPJ 750).  Tav went on (and on) about how Brian Lamb rats people out and whines and complains about late payment of dues, then fined those in arrears $2.00 each.  After mentioning our new potential member, Jeanette Nation, from Australia, Tav fined anyone who had not visited Oz or attended an international conference.  Happy birthdays to Joan Peggs on the 23rd, Giles Bixler and Ron Cooley, both on the 27th.  Happy Dollars:  Joan and Ron both contributed cheques to Rotary Foundation for their happy birthdays.  Draw:  Our speaker drew the ticket, misread by Tav as No.  919147, then corrected to 919154.  Something fishy.  Won by Ann Sims who failed to draw the white marble but got $13.00 for her trouble.

Our speaker, John Cassidy (right), was introduced by Dallas Chapple.  John is a research scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada, Head of the Earthquake Seismology Section, and an adjunct Professor at UVic School of Ocean Sciences.  He specializes in earthquake hazard studies.

John’s talk focused on earthquakes in southwestern BC:  history, hazards, and preparation for the big one.  We live in an active earthquake zone, with small quakes happening daily.  Major quakes happen roughly once per decade, and very large, damaging quakes once per century.  These very large quakes occurred locally in 1700, 1859, and 1948.  The 1700 quake was unknown until recently, but had been documented in Japan because it caused a tsunami there.  Local native oral histories also mention a big wave at that time.  Physical evidence of large quakes include areas that have suddenly dropped in elevation, as indicated by dead trees inundated by salt water, and layers of sea sand alternating with marsh growth in soil profiles.

Some preparedness steps include improved codes for buildings, bridges, tunnels and other structures.  Early warning systems, though perhaps providing only seconds or minutes of warning, can allow the immediate closure of bridges, tunnels, stoppage of trains, and closure of other systems.

Mary Canty thanked the speaker, followed by a karaoke version of God Save the Queen (sigh).

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