Wednesday 11 July 2012


Another very sunny day—inside and outside of the Rec Centre—when PRESIDENT JOAN called the meeting to order with the announcement that today will be Club Assembly, to give members a chance to find out who is on what committee, and what projects are being planned for the coming year.  After O CANADA, new member CLAIRE HELM (above left) read the Grace, and we were ready for the food table, with guests and visitors at the head of the line.  Before NEIL RAWNSLEY read the names of the guests, he told us that DP (a former President of legendary repute) used to say, “Rise, and we will give you the Oak Bay Clap.” Today’s visiting Rotarians included EILEEN HOLLAND of Nelson, and TERRY TOONE of the Victoria Police Service. Guests included RUTH CLAY, guest of EILEEN; SEPTEMBER SMITH, guest of JACK PETRIE; and BETTY PITT, guest of her daughter VICKY PITT.

TERRY TOONE thanked TAV MACPHERSON (above right) for all his work in Rotary, especially his recent organization of the Golf Tournament that netted $1,500 for Polio Plus.
PRESIDENT JOAN presented WYNN TAYLOR with his belated “Peace Through Service” pin.
JIM FORCE circulated a list of names on which he had worked for some time, listing club members who had donated time and money to all kinds of Rotary events and projects this past year. JOHN EDGELL noted there were 43 persons (or was it 46?) at today’s luncheon meeting. Since LYNNE MURRAY is away for a couple of weeks, John needs to know who will be absent from a luncheon, so he can provide the Rec Centre with a correct number of diners.
TRICIA TIMMERMANS circulated the list of club names and addresses and asked each of us to check our preferred email and other information, to make sure it is correct for a brochure the club hopes to print.

JOHN SNIVELY was our Fines and Celebrations Master. He fined NEIL for misquoting DP. WHAT DID DP ACTUALLY SAY? According to JOHN, “Will you rise, and keep on rising, until we give you the Oak Bay clap.” [President Joan's overhead comment: "My poor Dad!"]

TOM CROFT was seen in Powell River picking up garbage along the highway, as part of the Adopt A Highway project. EUGEN’S wife, IRIS BANNERMAN, had her picture in Sunday’s Time’s Colonist, and EUGEN was mentioned in the story as the inventor of the Blue Bridge Martini. He responded by saying he will be happy to introduce the Blue Bridge Martini to the Oak Bay Rotary Club at one of their Social Functions. JOAN FIRKINS knew the answer to the question: Who was the first woman to serve as a Rotary Club President? Sylvia Whitlock.

HAPPY DOLLARS. JOAN PEGGS dropped some happy dollars because “my puppy turned 9” and she threw her a birthday party. HEATHER AKED donated $63 to the Rotary Foundation to celebrate her birthday (50) and anniversary (13). VICKY PITT won the 50/50 draw; nobody else had the right number: …525.


TRICIA asked each of the presenters for a copy of their notes, so they could be uploaded to the appropriate web pages (see links below).

In order of presentation, the chairs and their committees:

DAVID WESTLER, International Committee

WYNN TAYLOR, Community Service Committee (Wynn's PowerPoint Presentation is online at this link); JIM FORCE on “Club in a Pub”

LORI MCLEOD, New Generation Committee (reported by JOAN P)

LESLIE ROGERS-WARNOCK, Secretary (She thanked JIM for his “Club in a Tub”).

PERRY BAMJI, Public Relations Committee

NEIL RAWNSLEY, Rotary Foundation; Goal: Every Rotarian every year to contribute $100 to the Foundation.

In conclusion, PRESIDENT JOAN thanked the Board and challenged us to “have another successful year.”

The meeting concluded with the singing of THE QUEEN.

Bulletin Scribe: EUGEN BANNERMAN

Please read about the Queen Alexander Hospital call for Volunteers for the 2012 Motorcar Gathering on Sunday, August 19th on our Chat Page

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