Friday 13 January 2012

Bulletin for January 10, 2012

The meeting was called to order right on time by Peter Lawrie, our interim President replacing an absent President Joan Peggs. 34 members and guests were present.  Tom Lidkea accompanied us on the piano and Peter led the singing of O Canada.  Peter reminded us that January is Rotary Awareness Month in the Rotary calendar and alerted us that he would ask a few members to express their thoughts on the topic.

Jack Petrie introduced guest Laura Atkinson, a lawyer. Jack introduced the Club guest speaker, Sandy Gervais (seen on left with President-elect, Peter Lawrie. Sandy is the Manager of Donor Relations and Planned Giving at Silver Threads.
Announcements:  Giles Bixler reported that Quadra Elementary school has sent their thanks for our Smart Board donation and passed around the  written appreciations of some of the Grade One students. Joan Firkins reminded us of the Tuscan Dinner preparations and to bring along donations. Peter Lawrie reminded us to purchase tickets to the concert of Pablo’s Quartet on March 24 at St Mary’s Church on Elgin Street in Oak Bay.
Peter invited a few members to share their thoughts on why they are proud to be Rotarians. Neil Madsen recalled his first experiences when he joined the Rotary Club  and first noticed Rotarians' efficiency in doing good deeds. Neil remarked on the extensive TV adds many nonprofits are investing in and how Rotary is able to raise funds without advertising. Batya Westler mentioned how the Rotary good deeds touch on many people’s lives conveying our compassion and good will.
Jack Petrie and Peter Lawrie put on a humorous display of selected photos catching our club members in funny situations asking the audience to suggest remarks and presenting their funny quotes getting a roar of applause and laughter.
Jerry McLean was the fines master collecting the fine from us for “wrong/good doings"; dollars kept falling in the basket - either loonies or toonies -  all too fast to keep up with.

Sandy Gervais, our guest speaker, is the Manager of Donor Relations and Planned Giving at Silver Threads Service, a nonprofit organization that for over 55 years, has been providing programs and services for seniors. After listening to Sandy, one can only appreciate this organization's dedication to improving the quality of life for seniors, and their mission to encourage and promote the well-being of Senior Citizens, by strengthening individuals, family, and community.  The organization has two centres: Victoria on Douglas, and Saanich on Hampton; both centers have small thrift stores that provide additional opportunities for seniors to be engaged.  Sandy mentioned that Victoria has seen a “Gray Hair Tsunami” in the last few years.  Serving nearly 10,000 seniors, family, caregivers and inquiries each year, this number is increasing along with the aging baby boomers.
As a small nonprofit, Sandy reminded us that Silver Threads Service relies on the community for support and referrals of seniors.
Barry Mutter thanked Sandy for a very informative talk.
Tom accompanied us in the singing of God Save The Queen to end our meeting. 
Reported by David Westler.

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