Wednesday 10 April 2013

Need2 Prevent Suicide - Meeting of April 9, 2013

Reported by Tricia T. Photos by John E. and Tricia.
NOTE: The meeting on April 16 is at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel.

President Joan began the meeting at 12.12, bringing attention to the diverse ads that can be found in the Rotary Magazine. Cracker Jack pianist, Tom L., accompanied us in the singing of O Canada, and Lynne said Grace. We hopped into the pork and potatoes, while Barry M. introduced three guests: Lance Shaver and Emily McLean from Rotaract, and speaker, Chris Holt.


Lorna urged us to get Tuscan Dinner theme basket items to David Maxwell by April 13 (Saturday) and auction items to Lesley Cobus (at Monterey Centre) by April 23 at 4PM; she asked all to sign up to volunteer in some way. This is our big fundraiser, so please help if you can.

Chris Causton wants all to know that there will be an All-Candidates Meeting at 7PM on Thursday April 18 at the Oak Bay United Church at 1355 Mitchell (by Granite Street).

There are three events coming up to promote Rotary Community Awareness: The Island Farms Victoria Day Parade on May 20th (let President Joan know if you would like to purchase a Rotary t-shirt for $10 to wear at the event); on May 25 there's the Rotary Fair in Centennial Square downtown; and on May 31, June 1-2 the District 5020 Conference will be held in Sidney. Follow this link to find out more about the conference.

Paul Harris Fellowships. Foundation Chair Neil Rawnsley spoke briefly on the Foundation and then presented PHFs to Renate Gibbs, Bill Burns, Perry Bamji, Peter Lawrie, Bill Burns, and Tricia Timmermans.
Neil, Joan, Bill, Tricia, Renate, Peter and Perry

Emily, Lance, Jim and Leslie
Leslie R-W and Jim F. thanked Rotaractors Lance Shaver (incoming President) and Emily McLean (Treasurer) for the big part they played in the Merrython. They then presented $500 of the Merrython funds to Rotaract, part of which will be used for a breakfast at "Our Place". Several of the Rotaractors helped at the recent "DLTA 2013".

Fines Master Jim Force easily filled the pot with questions regarding the website - many blank faces - those faces probably aren't reading this right now :). They were fairly simple questions: How do you access the bulletin from the website? What nickname was given to last week's reporter? And a few more stumpers. Happy and sad dollars were offered by Dallas (sold two flags for the flag program); Peter Lawrie for attending the Gold Medal match in Curling on the weekend (we lost!); and Lorna for being overjoyed at being fines exempt this month! Our speaker, Chris Holt, was just happy to be here; and Jim is happy that his grandchildren and family have been visiting. Joan F. (just back from Sacramento) drew the winning ticket, but scored only a black marble.

Chris Holt
Jim Laing, fresh back from warmer climes, introduced speaker, Chris Holt. Chris is Executive Co-Director of Need2 - Suicide Prevention Education & Support. Need2 works to prevent deaths by suicide and to remove the stigma that surrounds suicide. It provides support to those impacted by suicide and crisis by providing emotional support to youth online, through support groups, and community programming. It is primarily a volunteer organization that wants a world free of suicide. Every forty seconds somewhere in the world there is a suicide.  Chris got involved last July, and has a history in the non-profit sphere in Victoria. One million people a year die by suicide around the world. In Canada there are about 4,000 suicides a year. In youth aged from 10 to 30 it is the second leading cause of death, the statistic being about 11 suicides per 100,000. Monday is the worst day. Suicides occur less frequently at Christmas time, possibly because that's a time when people talk to each other. Suicide produces enormous trauma on family members and friends and has both humanitarian and economic consequences. Chris's PowerPoint helped describe the various types of suicide:  Societal; medical; cultural and interpersonal, all associated with feelings of loss - relationships, money, abuse, neglect, isolation, abandonment.

In Victoria's CRD, about 12% of youth have serious thoughts about suicide. These are youth who actually think that suicide is an option to a problem. This stat is a self-disclosed figure by students. Five percent attempt it. Aboriginal youth are more than twice as likely to commit or attempt to commit suicide. One youth in the CRD every day needs medical intervention due to a suicide attempt. 

NEED2 goes into the schools in the CRD to talk to youth, and are the only group that does this. The goal is to break the stigma about suicide - it's OK to talk about it. Friends of youth at risk need to understand that they have the "go ahead"to intervene. At least every class has at least one child who needs help. They are encouraged to write their names down, and then NEED2 will follow up afterwards. The moniker is: TALK: Tell, Ask, Listen, KeepSafe. NEED2 encourages interveners to listen to what they are saying as "you may be the first person they have ever told". A plan must be made to KEEP THEM SAFE. If necessary, even, to take them to Emergency. Chris described a national chat line, that is available nightly from 6 to 11. The counsellors manning this chat line have 50 hours of crisis intervention training. Three volunteers work every night chatting with kids across Canada, where, according to the website, "no issue is too big, or too small". "Chatting" is done via text. On November 23, NEED2 aims to stage "Turn It Up" where they hope to produce a million minutes of noise. Money raised will go to programs.
A lively question and answer period followed Chris's talk. Brian Lamb thanked Chris Holt for his presentation. 

To get involved with NEED2 check out or to donate visit:  A fundraiser, TURN IT UP for Hillary's Ride will be held on May 7 at the Alix Goolden Hall. For more information, check here: Further Information on NEED2 can be found online at: Need2 Video

A Canada Flag Program meeting was held following the meeting. So far 12 subscriptions have been sold. Club members will learn more about the program, and will be encouraged to become subscribers at our club meeting at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel on April 16. In order to be ahead of the game, please read the brochure here .

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